Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Cultivating Gratitude Saved My Life

The best decision I ever made for MYSELF was the decision to start cultivating gratitude. I was at rock bottom and ready to give up. I felt absolutely defeated. I hated myself. Thankfully my mom wasn't ready to throw in the towel, as much as I didn't want to hear it in the moment, she would call me out on everything I was complaining about and helped me see it from another perspective. ( THANKS MOM!!)  It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be! It's been almost 4 years and I couldn't be more grateful for gratitude and all the ways it's changed my life, helped me changed my entire way of thinking and the way I view the world.                                                                      

I used to be: depressed, anxious, constantly crying, finding the worst in every situation, miserable, constantly complaining, hateful, spiteful, spoke to myself and others in awful ways, always thought the grass was greener on the other side, and said FML at least 100 times a day. 

NOW: I am able to see the good in anything, I'm happy with the grass on my side, I no longer battle with depression and anxiety, I jump out of bed in the morning, rarely ever complain (and when I do, I call myself out), I've discovered self love and care, I attract more positivity and blessings, I forgive, I have more love and compassion in my heart than I ever thought possible, but most of all, I AM HAPPY even when it feels like my world is falling apart around me, I know I still have so much to be grateful for and that this storm will pass, just like the rest of them have. The sun will always shine again ☀️

💗Remember happiness is an inside job, NO ONE can do it for you 😀 

Want to start cultivating gratitude, but don't know where to start? 

🔹🔹THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO KNOW ABOUT GRATITUDE IS... There is NOTHING to small, silly or stupid to be grateful for. Any ounce of gratitude is better than no gratitude at all!! 🔹🔹

🔹Starting something new whatever it may be takes dedication and consistency. I  highly suggest creating a practice or ritual that you can do at the same time everyday, and then some. (I ride the gratitude train all day long, especially during stressful and tragic moments). Before you get out of bed, with every sip you take of your morning coffee or tea, with every bite you take, while you're brushing your teeth, driving to work or laying in bed at night, mentally list off at least 5 things you are grateful for. 

🔹Gratitude journal, write down 5 things everyday (preferably in the morning and before bed) its a great way to start and end the day with a positive vibe and a good way to let go of any stress and anxiety. 

🔹My good friend Michael Ian Cedar @thelegacyofyou does a Daily Global Gratitude Slam every Monday-Friday at 7:35am EST on periscope. We have a pretty kick ass community filled with gratitude, love, diversity, creativity and inspiration. 

🔹The app Happier, this was what I used as a gratitude journal. You can have a private or public profile, the happier family is truly amazing and oh so supportive. It really helps to surround yourself with like minded people. Also, by reading other people's happy moments and things they are grateful for, it can help inspire other things to be grateful for that you may have been taking for granted. 

🔹Gratitude Jar / Board, whichever you prefer. Write down something you are grateful for and put it in/on. Visual reminders are incredibly helpful! 

However you decide to start cultivating gratitude I want you to know a couple things: 

If you already have a gratitude practice or ritual I would love to hear about in the comments below! 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

There will be people in your life...

Note to self: There will be people in your life who will lie to you, betray you and in some cases abuse you. There will be people who won't understand your choices or your journey, they will criticize you, judge you and try and change your direction. They will have different beliefs and they may try to make you feel less than for being who you are. They may try and change you into who they think you should be. They may believe their intentions are pure without realizing the hurt they are causing. They may be strangers or they may be loved ones. There will be people you don’t agree with. There will be people whose actions will leave you questioning humanity. There will be people who don’t know love, forgiveness and acceptance…

Please don’t let these people stop you from loving others, showing compassion and shining your light. Please don’t let these people scare you into being something that you are not. Please don’t let them take away your inner peace. Please don’t let them discourage you from turning your dreams into reality. Please don’t let them take away your beautiful free spirit. I know it’s not easy, but I promise you it’s possible! We all have this amazing power to CHOOSE who, what, if and how we respond to these people. If you choose to respond, do it with love and compassion, your future self will thank you. I promise you giving them control over your life is not worth it because…

There will also be people who love you unconditionally. There will be people who recognize how amazing you are by simply being YOU. There will be people who will support you on your wild and crazy journey. There will be people who will speak life over you. There will be people who will go out of their way to help you and guide you. There will be people with different beliefs but they will have an open mind, open heart and won’t judge you. There will be people who understand you and get you. There will be people who will encourage you to be a better version of yourself, without taking away from how amazing you already are. There will be people who believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. There will be people who see the love, compassion, kindness and magic in you. These are the ones you want to surround yourself with. These are the ones that will help you manifest your wildest dreams.

To all of those beautiful souls loving me, supporting me, encouraging me, and believing in me, you all hold such a special place in my oh so grateful heart. It doesn’t matter if we’ve only crossed paths once or twice, or if your someone I confide in, or if we’ve never met in person and came into each other’s lives through social media. I am oh so very grateful for your presence in my life. THANK YOU.